





eSign any of your legal documentsonline in just a click
Fast and Easy
Enter details online in our template (or) upload your own
Collect electronic signatures for agreements
PCI Compliant
All documents are legally binding & use PCI compliant secure payment gateways
How can Docukart help you?
Create your Document
Choose from our customizable templates or upload your draft

Get Signatures
Fill in details & send agreement to others for eSign

eSign & download the signed copy in a minute
Get UIDAI approvedAadhaar eSignature.
Comprehensive list of editable templates for all your needs.
Sign agreements online withlegally valid eSign.
Speed up your documentation
Pay for eSign starting from 25/- only.
Use code 'ESIGN10' to get additional discount

Explore our other services

Notarize your agreements with Docukart
Make eStamp agreements online.
No physical visits, No haggling
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you mean by an eSignature?
The electronic signature, often known as eSign, is a legally recognised and enforceable means of digitally signing documents. eSigns have helped to eliminate the need for physical signatures, allowing individuals and corporations to enter into agreements with parties situated thousands of miles apart.

Are electronic signatures legal in India?
The electronic signature, often known as eSign, is a legally recognised and enforceable means of digitally signing documents. eSigns have helped to eliminate the need for physical signatures, allowing individuals and corporations to enter into agreements with parties situated thousands of miles apart.

What types of contents I can sign using eSign?
You can sign all types of documents using eSign having the legal validity of a physical signature. Some exceptions are there, which are mentioned in Schedule I of IT Act 2000 are as follows:
  • A negotiable instrument (other than a cheque)
  • A power-of-attorney as defined in section 1A of the Powers-of-Attorney Act, 1882
  • A trust as defined in section 3 of the Indian Trust Act, 1882 (2 of 1882).
  • A will as defined in clause (h) of section 2 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925

What are advantages of using eSignatures?
The ability to use electronic signatures is beneficial for streamlining procedures. You can avoid having to print, sign, and scan the paper. eSignatures simplify the paperwork-completion process and eliminate productivity waste.The additional advantages are:
  • Completed documentation and contracts are delivered more quickly.
  • improved security and tracking of documents
  • Lower expenses, Paper waste reduction
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About DocukartAt Docukart, we enable individuals & businesses to create and order legally binding agreements online. We get the agreements stamped and delivered to their doorstep, helping them save time and money.
Docukart, CIE, Vindhya C-4, IIIT-Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500032, Telangana.

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